Deleting a goodbye message
From a Mobile Phone
- Click the menu icon in the top right corner.
- From the menu, select movie_edit My Goodbye Messages
- Scroll down to the contact you wish to edit and click the more_vert icon
- From the drop down menu, click Delete Message
From a Laptop or Tablet
- From the left side navigation, select movie_edit My Goodbye Messages
- Scroll down to the contact you wish to edit and click the more_vert icon
- From the drop down menu, click Delete Message
The above instructions detail how to delete an entire message thread for a specific contact, removing all associated text,
audio, and video content. If you wish to selectively remove specific media items, such as an audio recording or video, you can do so
by editing the message, accessing the media, and selecting the delete option. It is important to note that this action will only
remove the chosen media, not the entire message thread.